Friday 27 January 2012

The market – take 2

Whether out of boredom or a desire to please you, yesterday I went to the Mercado Municipal again to explore it better. And guess what! I found that bar where I’d had my heavenly pasteis. It’s called Hocca Bar. So now you know the secret. Save this information for some time in the future when you don’t know where to go for your holidays and you decide to follow my track. Also, I found that the market only gets ridiculously crowded on Saturdays. During the week it’s a completely different experience; I could actually see/smell/touch what they were selling at the stalls and even take a few photos. So here we go:

Don't let this photo fool you, these were not just ordinary prawns. 
They were XXXX-large, the size of your palm, to be precise. 

The area near the market is known for cheap shopping, especially Rua 25 de Março. I was hoping to get some affordable summer clothes. Wrong. 99% of shops (roughly calculated) in the area sell jewellery, or carnival costumes, masks and all sorts of trinkets. The closest I came to clothes was a lingerie shop, tucked somewhere in between the glaring samba outfits and huge Chinese bags. Actually “lingerie” is an overstatement. There were rows of racks with plain knickers, briefs and thongs with prices exceeding Oxford Street best. Cheap they said, hey? A petite shop assistant beamed her forced smile at me as I crossed the door, offering help. It’s normal in Brazil to be assisted by an overly friendly employee, who typically gives you a card or a slip of paper with their name so that you can call them at will, and then another less friendly one when you want to pay so that you can collect what you chose from the first one. Complicated? Well, I didn’t feel like I needed anyone’s help choosing my underwear, so when I saw Denise, Daniele or whatever her name was,  approaching me again, I hurried to the door. Some cultural differences take time to get used to...


  1. They receibed a % off what you buy, for that reason they give you her name.

  2. Aha! That explains everything! Thanks for the comment!

  3. Hey there!

    I just found your blog! We have a lot in common, I plan to do the same thing that you did! I'm following you now and can't wait to read more about your experiences.

    By the way, Mercado Municipal looks just great. Can't wait to check it out when I finally get to SP.


  4. Hi Alex!
    Thanks for your comment. I had a look at yours. We do have a lot in common, indeed, you Brazilian soul, you! I too believe I was Brazilian in my previous life (haha!) and felt saudade of this country even before I set foot in it!
    If you´ve got any questions about SP just ask! I´ll be happy to explore the city even more. When are you planning to come? Good luck with the papers!
